The ME!! Page
Boy, you must either be really bored or you actually want to know who I am. Anyways... I am a Grade 12 student at Sir Winston Churchill Highschool in Thunder Bay, Ontario... that's in Canada for those of you who don't know where (or what) Ontario is. I've lived here for three years now (now being '98). I'm 18 years old and am a major fan of RPGs...especially those made by Squaresoft! I was born on April 25, 1980, in a little place called Moose Factory, Ontario... which, BTW, is waaaaay up near Hudson Bay. Yes, it's polar bear country, and no, I was not born in an igloo. Anyways...
There isn't really much more to say about me (that I wish to reveal to the unwashed masses :), except that I am a bit of a blade collecter. On the off chance that you happen to have some old knives, swords, spear heads, etc. that you want to get rid of, please email me with the details. I do not accept